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Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are swollen, twisted veins that bulge just under the skin’s surface. They typically occur in the legs, but can develop anywhere in the body. They are caused by weakened or damaged valves within the veins. Normally, these valves help blood flow smoothly towards the heart. When they weaken or are damaged, blood can pool in the veins, causing them to become enlarged and varicose.


Varicose veins can cause a number of symptoms, including:

  • Aching, heavy, and uncomfortable legs
  • Swollen feet and ankles
  • Burning or throbbing in your legs
  • Muscle cramps in your legs, particularly at night
  • Dry, itchy, and thin skin over the affected vein



Several factors can increase your risk of developing varicose veins, including:

  • Being female: Women are more likely to develop varicose veins than men, especially during pregnancy and menopause.
  • Having a family history of varicose veins: If a close family member has varicose veins, you are more likely to develop them as well.
  • Being overweight or obese: Excess weight puts extra strain on your veins.
  • Standing or sitting for long periods: This can increase pressure in the veins of your legs.
  • Aging: As you age, your vein walls become weaker and less elastic.



There are a number of treatments available for varicose veins, depending on the severity of the condition. These include:

  • Self-care measures: These include elevating your legs, wearing compression stockings, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Sclerotherapy: A solution is injected into the vein, which irritates the lining and causes the vein to collapse and scar shut.
  • Laser treatment: Lasers are used to heat and close the varicose vein.
  • Radiofrequency ablation: Radiofrequency energy is used to heat and close the varicose vein (Click here to read more on Endovenous laser/ RFA/ glue ablation for varicose veins)
  • Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the varicose vein.



In rare cases, varicose veins can lead to serious complications, such as:

  • Skin ulcers: These are open sores that can develop on the legs near the varicose veins.
  • Blood clots: Blood clots can form in varicose veins and travel to the lungs, which can be life-threatening.