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Transvaginal ultrasound guided drainage of pelvic collection

Transvaginal ultrasound guided drainage of pelvic collection

Transvaginal ultrasound-guided drainage of pelvic collections is a minimally invasive procedure used to drain fluid or pus accumulations (collections) in the pelvic cavity. This technique involves using ultrasound imaging to precisely guide a needle or catheter into the collection, allowing for accurate drainage under real-time visualization.



Transvaginal ultrasound-guided drainage is indicated for patients with:

  1. Pelvic Abscesses: Collections of pus within the pelvic cavity, often caused by infections or inflammatory conditions.
  2. Pelvic Fluid Collections: Accumulations of serous fluid or blood in the pelvic region, which may result from surgery, trauma, or other underlying conditions.
  3. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Purposes: To obtain fluid samples for analysis (e.g., culture and sensitivity testing) and to alleviate symptoms caused by the collection.



  1. Pre-procedure Assessment:
    • Clinical Evaluation: Assessment of symptoms, physical examination, and review of imaging studies (e.g., ultrasound, CT scan).
    • Patient Preparation: Explanation of the procedure, risks, benefits, and obtaining informed consent.
  2. Preparation:
    • Antibiotics: Prophylactic antibiotics may be administered before the procedure to reduce the risk of infection.
    • Anaesthesia: Local anaesthesia may be used to numb the vaginal area for patient comfort.
  3. Ultrasound Guidance:
    • The patient is positioned comfortably on the examination table, usually in a lithotomy position.
    • A transvaginal ultrasound probe is inserted into the vagina to visualise the pelvic organs and identify the collection.
  4. Needle Insertion:
    • Under real-time ultrasound guidance, a fine needle or catheter is inserted through the vaginal wall and guided into the collection within the pelvic cavity.
    • The position of the needle or catheter is continuously monitored using ultrasound to ensure accurate placement.
  5. Fluid Drainage:
    • Once the needle or catheter is correctly positioned within the collection, fluid is aspirated or drained using gentle suction or gravity.
    • For larger collections or abscesses, multiple needle insertions or catheter placements may be necessary to completely drain the fluid.
  6. Post-drainage Evaluation:
    • The drained fluid may be sent for laboratory analysis, including culture and sensitivity testing to identify the causative organism (if infection is suspected).
    • Additional imaging or ultrasound may be performed post-drainage to assess the extent of drainage and confirm resolution of the collection.



  • Minimally Invasive: Less invasive than surgical drainage procedures, with smaller incisions and reduced recovery time.
  • Real-time Visualisation: Ultrasound guidance ensures accurate needle or catheter placement and effective drainage.
  • Immediate Symptomatic Relief: Alleviates pain, discomfort, and other symptoms associated with pelvic collections.
  • Diagnostic Information: Provides fluid samples for analysis to guide further management, especially in cases of suspected infection.


Risks and Considerations

  • Risk of Infection: Despite precautions, there is a potential risk of introducing infection during the drainage procedure.
  • Bleeding: Minor bleeding at the needle insertion site, particularly if the collection is close to blood vessels.
  • Perforation: Risk of accidental perforation of nearby organs or structures during needle or catheter insertion.
  • Recurrence: Some collections may recur and require repeat drainage procedures.
  • Complications of Anesthesia: Risks associated with local anaesthesia administration, such as allergic reactions or nerve injury.



Transvaginal ultrasound-guided drainage of pelvic collections is a valuable minimally invasive procedure for managing pelvic abscesses, fluid collections, and providing diagnostic samples. By utilising real-time ultrasound guidance, the procedure ensures accurate placement of drainage devices and effective fluid evacuation, leading to symptomatic relief and improved patient outcomes. Close monitoring and follow-up are essential to detect and manage any potential complications post-procedure.