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Uterine Fibroid Embolization


Uterine fibroids are a very common problem and lot of women suffer from painful or heavy periods, tiredness (due to anaemia), bloated tummy, urinary urgency/ constipation due to the fibroids. Large fibroids can also cause difficulty in conceiving in some women.

Uterine artery embolization is a minimally invasive procedure is an effective treatment for uterine fibroids instead of hysterectomy (removal of uterus).

Under local anaesthesia and mild sedation, through a pin hole access in the groin or wrist blood vessel, tiny particles are carefully injected into the blood vessels supplying the uterus to cut off the blood supply to the fibroids. This results in shrinkage of the fibroids and treats the symptoms related to the fibroids.  Studies have proven that over 90 percent of women get relief of their fibroid related symptoms after this treatment. This treatment can be effective even in women with multiple or large fibroids, or infertility due the fibroids. Many women have gone on to have normal conception after fibroid embolization treatment.

Advantages over surgery:

  1. Can preserve the uterus.
  2. No need for general anaesthesia/ major operation
  3. No scars or stitches
  4. Less painful than surgery
  5. Fastest recovery time – very short hospital stay
  6. Back to normal work/activity in 5 days

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